Tag Archives: it manager tools

IT Manager Institute and ITBMC Program Overview


CLICK HERE or on the image above to watch the video.

As I enter the 17th year of my company I’m excited about the emphasis on IT manager training we have planned this year. The IT Manager Institute has been a very successful program that we offer in three formats:
1. Classroom
2. Webinar
3. Online Self Study

The IT Manager Institute and ITBMC Certification Program is one of the fastest and most effective ways to develop critical IT management skills. If you want specific instruction on how to succeed and fast results, the IT Manager Institute is what you need.

The program follows a simple IT Management Process™ and provides tools and insights that can be used immediately to help IT managers of all levels achieve more™ success.

My training is practical, straightforward and to the point on how to achieve IT manager success. I teach you:
– What you need to do
– How to go about it
– Tools and examples you can use immediately

itbmcOver 1,000 IT managers from all parts of the world have attended the program in either classroom, webinar, or online Self Study with 100% positive feedback. The reason is simple: our processes and tools are practical, easy to use, and they work in the real world.

Attain ITBMC status and you will demonstrate a method of management that sets you apart from other IT managers and will help you achieve more success.

There is NO THEORY in this program. Every process and tool was created by me to help me organize, monitor and manage IT organizations in real companies. I have translated over 20 years of IT management experience into some of the most practical training for IT managers in the industry.

Check out the IT Manager Institute for yourself at:


Preparing for next week’s IT Manager Institute class

Next week I travel to Carrollton, GA to deliver our 65th IT Manager Institute for 18 managers at Tanner Health System.

Even though I have delivered the class 64 times including six times this year, I always use a checklist to prepare for each class to insure all goes as planned.

Tanner_Class_ToDoMy Institute Class Checklist

I’m a big believer in tools and templates for three simple reasons:

  1. Makes it easier
  2. Improves quality
  3. Reduces stress

Makes it easier
Probably my primary reason to develop any tool is to make work easier. I remember the first time I delivered an IT Manager Institute, , , there was a lot of last minute effort to pull it all together. Today, it’s so much simpler and easier with a checklist.

Improves quality
Tools like my IT Manager Institute To Do List shown above help insure everything is done to prepare or complete a project. I never show up at a class and find that I have “missed something we need to deliver the program successfully” if I have checked off each of the items on the list.

Reduces stress
I didn’t realize the benefit tools have in “reducing stress” early in my career, but now I fully understand that making work easier and insuring the work will be complete is a tremendous stress reducer.  As they say in Australia, “No worries!”.

The Institute To Do List above includes anything from insuring I pack my passport and the appropriate electrical adapter for an overseas trip to putting clothes in the cleaners and getting a haircut. I also insure certain things are done with “time to spare” by listing completion time frames weeks ahead of the event.

I print an Institute To Do List and put it in my class folder for every class I schedule. It saves time preparing, , , makes it easier, , , eliminates every bit of stress, , , and guarantees I show up ready to go.

IT Manager ToolKitMy IT Manager ToolKit contains more than 100 tools and templates that were developed to help me manage and monitor IT organizations. Learn more.

Client Satisfaction Survey to assess IT support

phoneHow well is your IT Support Organization doing?

The real answer lies “in the eyes of the beholder” as they say. What this means here is that your client’s perspective is what’s important, , , not what you and your IT staff think.

I’m not trying to stir up trouble but I do want to make a point.

IT managers usually have the same perspective – almost always they view how their IT support organization is doing this way:

  • “Our IT employees work very hard and on the right things for our company.”
  • “Our clients do not understand nor appreciate us.”
  • “Clients do not do what they need to do to use our technology effectively.”
  • “We don’t have enough money to do the job.”

Some of this may be true but the bottom line is that when you focus IT support, your client’s perspective is what’s really important.

Do you know what your client would say when asked about their IT support?

There are a few questions you should always have a good grasp about what they will say:

  1. “Is the IT support organization responsive to your needs?”
  2. “Is IT support effective in resolving your technical problems?”
  3. “Is IT support focused on your needs and issues?”
  4. “Are IT support employees professional and courteous in providing IT support?”

At a minimum, you need to evaluate and understand these issues on a somewhat regular basis. To do this, you can use a simple IT Support – Client Satisfaction Survey. There are only 5 questions and requires only a few minutes to complete.

IT Support Survey

CLICK HERE to download the survey tool.

A STRONG Recommendation in conducting surveys
Rather than sending a survey out and hoping your clients will fill them out and return to you, , , visit or call your client to conduct your survey and fill out the form yourself.

There are several reasons:

  • You will get a much higher response, , , no one likes to fill out surveys.
  • If the response is negative, you can ask a follow-up question or ask for an example to better understand your client’s perspective. You will learn much more than if they simply fill out the survey.
  • Visiting your client and communicating with them one-on-one is always a good thing for you to do.

If you conduct a client survey, be sure to follow-up with results of the survey and actions to be taken to improve IT support. Otherwise, “Why do one?” It helps you gain credibility when you follow-up with specific action items.

Another thing to consider is to conduct your surveys twice a year, , , at least annually, and use the same questions each time. Doing this will help you monitor trends and see if you are making progress in providing support for your clients.

Mike Sisco’s Top 15 IT Manager Tools

When the Editors of Toolkit Café asked me to provide a list of the Top Ten IT manager tools every IT manager should have, three things happened:

First, I never had really thought about “must have tools” for every IT manager. I had always just focused on individual tools or my entire IT Manager ToolKit.

Second, if we really mean “every IT manager should have them”, then we should create an opportunity so every IT manager can access them, , , so we have, , , read on.

Third, when I tried to identify a Top 10 List, I couldn’t narrow it down to just 10. There are 15 IT manager tools in my IT Manager ToolKit that every IT manager needs and should have.

Let’s start with the list and follow with a short description of each tool and my reasons as to why you need it.

15 Tools Every IT Manager NEEDS

15Tools_all1. IT Employee Skills Matrix
2. IT Training Plan
3. New Employee Orientation Checklist
4. Performance Plan Template
5. Project Schedule Template
6. IT Systems Conversion Project Schedule
7. Move/Relocation Checklist
8. IT Initiatives Portfolio
9. Vendor Support Contacts
10. Escalation procedure
11. Annual IT Accomplishments
12. Client Rescue Guide
13. Cost of Downtime
14. Budget templates
15. IT Support Survey

Every tool can be customized to fit your specific needs and each tool includes instructions to help you use it.


Read on for a Description of Each Tool

IT Staff Skills Matrix1. IT Employee Skills Matrix

One of the first things you want to do in an IT organization is to conduct an IT assessment. A key component of this discovery process is to determine the capability and capacity of your IT staff.  In other words, what can you do and how much can you do in terms of providing IT support.

This simple tool helps you quantify the skills you have and quickly identify the skill gaps that exist so you can prioritize training and education for your team. You can modify it to assess any level of skill you want; use it to quantify both technical and non-technical skills. Learn more.

IT Training Plan - General2. IT Training Plan

Training and education is one of the top motivators for IT employees. It always ranks in the Top 3 reasons employees stay with their company so it’s important to have a strong focus on employee development.

Eliminate knowledge silos and develop depth in your organization with a focused employee training plan when you quantify and prioritize training with this tool.
Learn more

Tool_New IT Employee Orientation3. New Employee Orientation Checklist

It’s important to help a new employee get started so he or she can become productive quickly. It also has morale implications with your IT team as well as with your new employee that you may not realize.

Use this checklist or modify as needed to show new employees you are organized and help them become part of the team quickly. Learn more

Performance Plan4. Performance Plan Template

(with examples)

IT employees have a strong need to know what it takes to be successful and they want to know if they are. Employee performance planning and review time is some of the highest quality time you have with your employees.

Included are three sample performance plans for a Programmer, Business Analyst and Infrastructure Manager. Learn more

Project Schedule template5. Project Schedule Template

The key to gaining IT credibility is delivering projects successfully. You need project schedules to help you manage the project team and complete the tasks on time.

I’ve used this template hundreds of times to manage very large projects. You don’t have to be a PMP to deliver projects successfully, but you do need structure and some simple tools. Learn more

projectplan6. IT Systems Conversion Project Schedule

Sooner or later you are going to convert one of your systems to a new platform. This project schedule template provides a generic list of tasks you can use to get started quickly.

In addition, an actual sample system conversion project schedule is included that will provide additional insight into project management. Learn more

Move Checklist7. Move/Relocation Checklist

There is going to be a time when a department of your company needs to relocate. I’ve been in situations where it seemed like someone was moving every week. Nothing hurts IT credibility more than when these relocations go poorly.

Prepare with a move/relocation checklist that helps you support your client by ensuring future relocations go smoothly. Learn more

IT Initiatives Portfolio8. IT Initiatives Portfolio

This little tool is so simple yet powerful. A couple of pages will show everyone how effective your IT organization delivers projects. Summarizes exactly what you need to know in regards to your project initiatives:
• On time
• Within budget
• Results achieved
• Meets client needs
• Successful (Yes or No)
Learn more

Vendor Contact List9. Vendor Support Contacts

When you need vendor support you often need it fast. Keep your vendor contact information close by and make it available to your Help Desk and all your IT managers.  You’re going to need it. Learn more

escalation procedure - loss of connectivity10. Escalation procedure

There are events that take place when you need to escalate IT support to a higher level such as a remote office losing connectivity, a data interface goes down, or a server crash.

Developing practical escalation procedures puts you ahead of the game when these problems occur and positions your organization to be highly responsive.
Learn more

Annual IT Accomplishments11. Annual IT Accomplishments

No one knows what the IT organization is accomplishing if you don’t tell them. I was shocked when assembling data for an annual IT Kickoff. We had accomplished so much more than I realized.

Right then I knew that if I had forgotten as the manager, then my clients and senior managers wouldn’t remember either. From that point I began tracking our accomplishments so we could communicate them with all groups in the company. Learn more

Client Rescue Guide12. Client Rescue Guide

Early in my career an unhappy client intimidated me. Maybe that’s happened to you. Over the years I learned that a “problem client” is simply an opportunity in disguise.

Identify the client’s issues and address them and you have a partner instead of a headache. This template walks you through a process to do just that. Learn more

costofdowntime13. Cost of Downtime

Senior managers don’t understand technology nor want to, but you have to gain their approval to fund many technical projects that are necessary for the company.

This can be especially difficult when trying to discuss infrastructure projects, , , executives don’t get “routers and switches”. A tool that can help you is to educate them on the “cost of downtime”.

This practical tool will help you quantify the downtime implications in lost productivity for any technology in your company, even down to a single PC or printer. Learn more

Budget Templates14. Budget templates

Developing an IT budget should be fairly quick work, but it is a long and tiring process for many IT managers. It was for me too until I developed a few templates to help me in the process.

This tool is actually several templates and can help streamline your IT operational and capital budgeting effort. Learn more

IT Support Survey15. IT Support Survey

At the end of the day, your client’s perspective of how well your IT organization is performing is your measurement of success. You need to be aware of how they feel about IT performance.

To do this, I use a simple survey like this tool but I don’t send it out and expect to get them completed and returned. Instead, I interview my clients and get much more information.

Use this survey form or modify it to determine client perspectives on:
• IT responsiveness
• IT focus
• IT quality
• IT professionalism
Learn more

The tools and templates above have helped me significantly, and I hope you receive value in using them.

when you subscribe to
ToolKit Cafe

There are over 100 tools and templates in the IT Manager ToolKit. To learn more  click here.

IT Manager Store web site announcement

Last week we announced the IT Manager Store web site to our newsletter subscribers, , , one location where you will find some of the best and most practical IT manager resources in the industry.

To “jumpstart” the site and offer our newsletter subscribers an opportunity, we announced a 20% across the board discount for items purchased on the IT Manager Store site through January 31, 2012.

Tools and templates

You can take advantage of this limited time special. Simply use the coupon code “jumpstart” and the site’s shopping cart will reduce your price automatically.

Go to
and check it out

Offer good through January 31, 2012

Do you have an IT manager tool or template to share?

I have posted hundreds of articles and dozens of tools on ITLever. My IT Manager ToolKit contains over 100 such templates and tools, , , but I have barely scratched the surface.

I was reminded of one of the initial objectives I had for ITLever this weekend when Kenneth Corning of  Dover, Massachusetts sent me a simple tool he developed to help him determine his UPS requirements.

CLICK HERE to see the quick post I created to share Kenneth Corning’s UPS Requirements Tool.

There are over 50 posts categorized as IT Manager Tools on our ITLever site so far, , , we hope to add many more in the months ahead.

Send me your IT manager tool or template with a brief description plus your city, state and country to mike@mde.net and I may share it with ITLever visitors. If I do, I will give you credit for your work.

I hope ITLever will eventually become a repository for hundreds of IT manager tools and templates along with great tips to help IT managers achieve more, , , it will become a much better resource if you participate in providing ideas.

I like sharing tools, templates, “how to tutorial”, etc., , , anything you use that helps you organize, monitor, communicate, or manage technology resources.

At some point I plan to develop a new product of tools developed by my colleagues. If I do and include your tool we will give you credit for creating any tool you share with us, , , and I’ll give you a free copy of the new toolkit.

Best of success, , , Mike S.

Every IT manager needs these tools, , , a closer look at the Practical IT Manager GOLD Series

Managing an IT organization is a tough and challenging job, but it can be much easier and more rewarding when you have the knowledge and insight in how to do the job effectively.

Learning to manage by trial and effort is not only ineffective, it is risky and expensive for your company and can even damage your career.

The challenge is there is usually no one around who can help develop an IT manager in a company, , , technology is not the core competency of most companies so the IT manager has to learn the best way he can.

This is high risk and most of the time does not work very well.

What you need is a set of practical processes and simple tools to help you do what is required to succeed in an IT manager role.

Managing an IT  organization is like anything else, , , once you know what to do and how to go about it and have the tools to do the job, it becomes second nature, , , just like riding a bicycle, configuring a router, or developing a web page.

But if you do not have the experience and know-how, , , managing IT can be a very intimidating challenge with severe consequences.

For example, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Why is it so hard to become a partner with my senior managers and what do I need to do to become a partner?
  • How do I deal with a difficult client?
  • Why is budgeting so difficult and take me so long to do?
  • How do I develop an IT strategy and get it approved?
  • What are the steps to turn a problem employee around?
  • How do I motivate my staff when I don’t have money to spend?
  • How should I go about prioritizing the work we need to do when we do not have sufficient staff to do the work?
  • Why are my recommendations so hard to get funded and approved?
  • How do you manage client expectations when all they want is everything they request and have it all completed today?
  • Why do my clients not understand or appreciate our IT organization?
  • Why are our IT projects not being completed successfully?
  • Why is communicating to my clients so difficult for me?

Sound familiar? It should, , , these issues occur every day in IT organizations all over the world. In fact, let’s take the last question, “Why is communicating to my clients so difficult for me?”

Are you aware that this is a major issue for over 70% of all IT employees? There are specific reasons why the vast majority of IT people are not good communicators. You may not be aware of what it is but I can guarantee most reading this article find communicating with clients and senior managers to be difficult, intimidating, or at least challenging.

The cause is real simple and I’ll show you how to overcome it so you can achieve more success, , , this single issue is the cause of many, many IT manager failures. Learn what it is and how to overcome it and you will achieve much more success.

This issue and the others listed above plus others is why I wrote my first ten books we called the IT Manager Development Series, , , to help IT managers of the world achieve more success.

These books and the accompanying IT Manager ToolKit we bundled in as a bonus have been tremendously successful with thousands of copies sold around the world over the past ten years.

I just completed rewriting these 10 books, , , from top to bottom and from front cover to back cover. They are completely rewritten with new content, new and revised tools, easier to read and even new covers.

The new product is, Mike Sisco’s Practical IT Manager GOLD Series. Here they are:

Ten new books that took hundreds of hours to complete, , , all to give IT managers of the world resources to help you achieve more success.

Buyers of the full set also receive a BONUS, , , the IT Manager ToolKit containing over 100 IT manager tools and templates, , , all revised and updated. The tools can be used “as is” or customized to meet your specific needs.

The information and insight in these books teaches you how to manage the “business” of IT versus the technology, , , you need to be viewed as a “business manager”, not a “technical manager” to achieve real success..

The books show you what to do and  how to do things to achieve IT success, and they also explain why certain issues are so difficult for IT managers and IT employees and how to overcome these obstacles.

It’s not good enough to explain how to do something, we also need to know why things work or do not work and what causes them to work or not work. When you understand the dynamics of what causes certain things to occur, or not to occur, it makes it much easier to do what is necessary to achieve success.

The books are straightforward and down to earth, , , just what you would expect from me if you have read any of my ITLever Blog posts or articles.

Practical, simple, and to the point, , , no need to discuss something in 20 pages when you can do it in 1 or 2 pages. IT managers are very busy, , , they need you to get to the point so that’s what I try to do in the books.

Simply put, each book conveys:

  • What to do to achieve success
  • Instruction on how to go about it
  • Tools and examples to help you implement each concept quickly

Here is the order I recommend reading the books if you purchase them:

  1. Start with IT Management-101. You can download this one for free when subscribing to my free Practical IT Manager Newsletter. Go to www.mde.net/free to subscribe. This book is a great foundation and why we make it available for free.
  2. Next, read IT Due Diligence. This book gives you a process and all the tools you need to conduct an effective IT assessment, , , the very first thing you should do in a new IT manager responsibility. You have to determine the business needs and issues plus your IT capacity to develop an appropriate IT strategy of the work you should focus on.
  3. Next, , , IT Strategy. You have to organize your IT assessment findings into logical and appropriate projects of work, , , and they must be prioritized. This book helps you do just that and gives you a few tools that will help you prioritize your work, communicate your recommendations, and gain approval from senior management.
  4. The key to IT credibility is delivering projects successfully, or “doing what you say you will do”. IT Project Management provides everything you need to start delivering your projects successfully, , , even insight as to why they aren’t completed successfully in so many IT organizations around the world.
  5. IT Organization would be my next read. Learn how to right-size your organization by determining what you need and what you have. You need an IT organization strategy, , , this book helps you define what it should be.
  6. If you manage an organization, you better learn how to motivate people, , , IT Staff Motivation and Development is next. I’ll give you proven techniques that will help you motivate your staff like never before and with no money.
  7. IT Budgeting is next on the list unless you are in the midst of your company’s budgeting process or about to go into it, , , if so, you may want to move this up the list of reading. I’ll show you how to simplify budgeting and be confident you create an achievable budget, , , and do it faster and easier than ever before. Budgeting is not difficult if you have insight and tools to make it happen.
  8. IT Asset Management, , , not one of my favorite topics to write about but a necessary focus to manage your IT organization successfully. One of the tools I give you in this one can help create your IT credibility, , , it may be my very best tool in what it has done for my career.
  9. IT Assimilation focuses on the transition activities after completing an IT assessment or company acquisition. You can read this one near the end or right after IT Due Diligence.
  10. The last book is the very first book I wrote, What To Look For in a CIO. Written for executives who are interested in the success of their IT organization, it explains the differences in IT manager types and provides a process to help you define what you need in order to attain more value from your IT investment.
  11. Finally, review the INDEX file in the IT Manager ToolKit to see what’s in it, , , ,there are dozens of additional IT management tools not discussed in these ten books.

Save $195.00 by buying the bundle! You will pay $474.50 if you purchase the books and ToolKit separately. Purchase our best selling bundle like thousands of IT managers have and save! It is one of our BEST VALUES.


BONUS  –  Order by November 30th, 2011 and we will send you a special Executive Report (a $150.00 value) that will give you insight into what makes IT employees tick, , , something every IT manager needs to be aware of. 

The IT-Business Disconnect:
IT Manager Work Behavior – a Key Contributor

Take the quick survey in this report and see if your work behavior is similar to most IT managers and their employees. There are very real reasons why our type of personality is drawn to technology. As technicians these personality traits help us succeed, , , but as IT managers these same traits can cause you to struggle with many things and even fail in your new position. Learn why.

All of my writing is practical and to the point. We don’t have time for lots of theory, , , we just want to know what to do and how to go about it to succeed. This is exactly how I try to present the material in each book:

  • What to do to achieve IT success
  • How to go about it
  • Examples and tools to help you make it happen

The books will be highlighted and sold at itmanagerinstitute.com. We are overhauling our entire infrastructure so don’t be surprised if you see a bit of “work in progress” for a while. That’s right a complete overhaul of our entire infrastructure , , , equipment, web sites, shopping cart and order fulfillment, plus a few very exciting features to support our company strategy that you will begin seeing in the weeks ahead.

Additional titles, new tools, and more training are planned and will be released in the months to come once we have the new infrastructure in place.

2012 is going to be our best year yet!

Communicate Success With an IT Initiatives Portfolio

I delivered another webinar class this morning for a few IT managers in Slovenia and Croatia. The topic – Communicate Success With an IT Initiatives Portfolio.

I’m not sure when I developed this tool but as I mentioned to this group of managers, “This tool may have done more for me in my career than any tool I created.”

The IT Initiatives Portfolio is one of over 100 IT manager tools and templates in my IT Manager ToolKit.

The class only took about 30 minutes and I gave the students a great tool to track and communicate their project initiative performance.

To achieve success, you have to establish credibility and much of IT credibility comes with delivering projects successfully. This tool gives you a simple and easy way to quantify, measure, and communicate your project success in key areas:

  • On time
  • Within budget
  • Benefits achieved
  • Meet client needs
  • Overall success

If you are interested in this tool,, ,

CLICK HERE  to download the IT Initiatives Portfolio tool now.

CLICK HERE to view the 20 Minute IT Manager flash session to learn more about this tool and how to use it.

Budget IT salary in under 20 minutes

Salary is one of the largest expenses you have in an IT budget. To budget effectively, you better have a good handle on this one. If you are prepared, it takes just a few minutes, , , if not it can take several hours.

I like the “few minutes” concept, , , don’t you?

First, you need an IT Staffing Plan for your budget period. Start by creating a budget worksheet like the spreadsheet below or download the tool — CLICK HERE:

Modify the headings if you are on a fiscal year instead of a calendar year.

OK, , , to budget salaries for an IT Operating Budget, you need several pieces of information:

  1. Employee names
  2. Salary
  3. New Hire plans
  4. Salary raise information

In my last post, Track your IT Staff just like any technology asset  I discussed the importance of maintaining an IT Staff Roster.

Step 1  –   List your employees
Grab your current IT Staff Roster and copy the employee names to the IT Staffing Plan worksheet you just created.

I like to group employees alphabetically within organization or function of what they do in my IT Staff Roster, , , Programmers, Infrastructure, Help Desk, etc. It helps when you can see people listed in groups like this.

Step 2  –  Salaries
Copy the salary information from the IT Staff Roster into the first column of months, , , be sure they line up with the proper employee name. Once copied, replicate the salary column across all 12 months.

Quick note: When you budget it is probably October or November if you are on a calendar year. Be sure you update anyone’s salary who will get an increase between now and the end of the year.

WOW, , , the first two parts took all of 2 minutes even if you have 150 people in your organization.

Step 3  –  New Hires
Define your New Hire plans for the coming year. If you have developed an IT strategy and gotten it approved, this should be straightforward. Think through each of your IT organizations and identify how many new resources you need to add.

Add rows in each group where you plan to add new hires. Call them “New Programmer #1, #2, , , etc.

Put each New Employee’s starting salary in the month you plan to hire them and replicate the cell to all cells through December.

Another 10-15 minutes spent and here is what you have so far:

Step 4  –  Add raises
There is a fast way and a tedious way. I’ll give you both options and you can choose which you prefer.

Option 1 – Raise Pool  –  Your company probably wants to manage employee raises to a certain level, , , usually a percentage of salary like 2%, let’s say. There is a subtle difference in how this is interpreted but makes a huge difference in budget dollars.

Note:  The company will interpret how they want to manage salary increases as either 2% of total salary or an average of 2% per employee raise.

Let me explain, , , if every employee was to receive a raise July 1st (mid-year) and you gave everyone a 2% raise, , , your total “raise pool” you include in a budget would be half of what it would be if the company interprets raises as 2% of total salary. All budget months prior to the raise would not include raise money.

For our example, we will assume the company gives us a 2% of total salary guideline.

OK, add a row to the bottom of your IT Staffing Plan below the Total row and call it “2% Raise Pool”. For each monthly cell, do a calculation of multiplying the Total Salary cell just above it by 2% to get your monthly raise dollars.

Add another row and name it “Grand Total”, , , then add the “Total Salary” and “2% Raise Pool” rows to get your final salary numbers.

Not quite 2 minutes to do this, , , done with budgeting salary in under 20 minutes and this is the biggest part of your budget.

Option 2 – By Individual  –  The other option to budgeting employee raises is to estimate a budget increase for each employee and update the employee’s salary in the month the raise is to go into effect.

To do this, you need to know when their raise is due or planned and how much you plan to give them, , , or you can simply use a 2% calculation.

Employee’s last raise date and raise amount is kept in the IT Staff Roster spreadsheet you pulled the employee name and salary information from. This information will help you determine effective dates for each employee’s  raise.

Remember, depending upon how the company interprets the 2% raises, , , you could be short changing yourself by doing it this way.

Here is a look at an updated worksheet where each employee’s salary has been increased to reflect a raise, , , the shaded cells are the raise months.

The key to developing your salary budget in record time is to have most of the information already available by keeping asset records on employees with a tool like the IT Staff Roster and a change management process that keeps it current.

My IT Career Development Plan is one of the first ITBE Project Guides

IT Business Edge launched a new product called IT Project Guides this month. I was fortunate to help develop one of the first project guides for their launch, , , an IT Career Development Plan.

Quick overview
1)  Access the ITBE web site  —  www.itbusinessedge.com

2)  Select the IT Project Guides Menu link at the top

3)  Select the IT Career Development Plan link
, , , or access it directly at this link – CLICK HERE

Each Project Guide is broken into Project Phases and each phase contains 4 or 5 PowerPoint steps with download tools to explain and help you with the subject matter.

In the IT Career Development Plan, there are 4 phases, each with several steps that walk you through developing and implementing a career plan for yourself or in helping your IT employees with career planning.

Here is an overview of what you will find in this Project Guide:

–  Important IT Career Questions
–  Personal Strengths and Weaknesses
–  What Makes You Tick?
–  What Do You Really Want?
–  Your Personal Inventory
–  Beginning Your Career Plan
–  Where Are You Today?
–  Long-term Goals
–  Looking Beyond the Next Step
–  Preparation Is Essential and Ongoing
–  Keys to IT Career Development
–  A Personal IT Career Training Plan
–  Find an IT Career Mentor
–  Learn IT Success from Others
–  Investing in Your IT Career
–  Keys to Establishing Your Credibility
–  IT Recommendations and Business Value
–  Producing Positive Results
–  Communicate Your Track Record
–  More Resources Offered by MDE Enterprises, Inc.
Download Tools
The following download tools are available in this Project Guide:
–  Personal Attributes Inventory
–  IT Career Path Flowchart
–  Personal Training Scorecard
–  IT Initiatives Portfolio
I think you will find the IT Career Development Plan Project Guide and the tools helpful in providing structure and insight to think about your career and in defining what you want to achieve.
Best of success,
Mike Sisco, ITBMC